When Arnold Schwarzenegger said in Terminator 2 that he would be back, we thought that day would never come. This story is not intended to scare you but to alert you about the day when human-machine interaction becomes a reality. Industry 5.0 represents that production model and is not a transitory trend. We find ourselves with the opportunity to understand how the factories of the future operate. Some companies refuse to adjust to this new model. However, by not adjusting, these businesses are at risk of extinction, as seen in Blockbuster with Netflix. Technological innovation is going so fast that it indicates a constant in the appearance of new paradigms. In a world that is constantly changing, adjusting to processes and digitization is vital to remain competitive. Industry 5.0 represents the next level. Promoting human-machine collaboration combined with creativity.

Roberto León. Conference Interpreter - Translator - Bussines Consultant
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