Diplomacy has been in this world since long ago. Its roots are based in political societies. Since the last century we have seen its achievements and failures throughout the world in international conflicts. Several diplomats around the world have sought to resolve conflicts on behalf of their countries or as arbitrators. In practice, some diplomats find it easier to express themselves in their native language during negotiations. Even if you are fluent in the other language, speaking in your native language gives you the upper hand in two ways. First, you have more vocabulary and secondly, you will place the other person in a position where he will think you don’t understand him. Truth be told, that assumption is far from reality. Diplomacy can be used to carry out: peace processes, negotiations and new alliances. If you have on ongoing project with diplomatic agencies, it is important that you work with skilled people. Work with a professional, and keep in mind Machiavelli’s phrase in The Prince “traduttori, traidori”.

Roberto León. Conference Interpreter - Translator - Bussines Consultant
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