A business idea pops up in your head. How do you get it through to others? You can put that thought on a paper, in a PowerPoint presentation or even a video. There is an old saying that goes, “Paper stands up to anything. This basically means that when you take an idea and turn it to reality, the result is different from what you had thought. It may not be feasible at all. In other words, reality is different from imagination. For your new project it is recommended to book a 60 minute mentoring session, with someone experienced, who has gone through the same things you will go through with your idea. Roberto León has been responsible for the start-up of ventures in the United States, Latin America, the Caribbean and Europe. He understands how cultures can influence success and knows the common scenarios you may face. During his professional experience, he has completed turnkey projects, where everything is in place for the new investors to take the wheel. In a mentoring session with Roberto, you will be able to talk to him about your project, gain business tools and succeed in your idea. After that, you can decide what next steps to follow and assess the feasibility of that idea, in a world where trends are constantly changing.

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